How to align from scratch?

I am currently working on some UAV-TLS testing done on a bridge. These tests require to enable/disable some of the TLS scans to create several models in order to compare them. I want to reset the alignment so every component that I create with a different number of TLS scans is done from scratch and I can have an accurate representation of how many I really need. As far as I understand, Reality Capture uses prior alignment to create new components. Is there a way to set it so each new component starts from scratch?


Hello @s.restrepo1801
You can use the setting called Force component rematch. You can find it under ALIGNMENT/Registration/Settings/Advanced:

Thank you @OndrejTrhan

@OndrejTrhan I tried setting Force component rematch to No but I am not sure if it is actually aligning from scratch. The first component uses UAV data only and it took 8 minutes to align, then I created a new component with the TLS data and finally another component with UAV only again. This time, the alignment only took 2 minutes, for which I assume it is using previous registrations and not aligning from 0.

You need to set it to Yes.
Also, it is possible that the second alignment will be quicker, as the detected features will be used from the cache.
If you will want also new feature detection, you will need to save the project and then clear cache before the new alignment.

Thank you @OndrejTrhan