Hi all,
I´m currently lack of information and really hope that somebody can help me out with his knowledge
At the moment my goal is to understand how the ISMC is rendering the mesh with different transforms.
What i already found out from the code and debugging:
- You add an Instance to the ISMC
- The FStaticMeshInstanceBuffer will be called with InitRHI
- The SMIBuffer grabs the FResourceArrayInterface were all transforms are saved in
- A new FVertexBufferRHIRef is created
On top i´ve found out which shader is used, it is located in LocalVertexFactory.usf.
But i don´t see how all the transforms are applied one by one on the mesh to render it
My Questions:
- Where is the magic happening that renders all transforms of the ISMC one by one?
- Is there a place where the transforms are passed to the shader?
I´m currently lost in this missing point of rendering ISMC that i´m able to implement my feature.
I need this knowledge in order to get the approaches of Spline meshes and InstancedStaticMesh together at runtime to have lower draw calls
Thank you very much!