Call UnPossess() on Pawn->Controller.
Hi all,
I’m trying to kill an enemy and make it a ragdoll. How can I remove the Ai controller and stop any behavior?
I’m using a behavior tree.
Hmm I did it, but the behavior tree and some other AI functions are still running. I would like to make my AI dead
On UBehaviorTreeComponent* call StopTree()
well, I’m using blueprint and Stop Tree doesn’t exist
Ouch ;0.
May be I help someone, get BrainComponent from Ai Controller then use StopLogic()
Hey! You can use the function: Detach From Controller Pending Destroy
This will detach the controller from the AI. You can refer to the picture given below:-
“Detach From Controller Pending Destroy” Node working perfectly to me also. Destroy all (spawned)AIControllers (eg.: 100), then i can spawn another 1.