Hello I am totally new to UE4 but it’s absolutely amazing so far. I haven’t any professional experience in game design or 3D design however I have experimented over the years and have a basic grasp of how to do things.
I want to create a planet Earth that I can have the user travel around but I am struggling to understand how to create it. If you can only import textures that are square am I right in thinking I would just squash a map of the earth into that square (2048 x 2048)?
It depends on the dimensions. If you just need a small sphere with the texture one it, then use a sphere shape made by epic and use a texture like this:
The format is 1024x512 if you want a bigger texture you just have to adapt it (2048x1024, …).
But if you need a huge sphere, I guess you will have to model your own (with a UV map), because epics isn’t detailed enough (around 500-700 polygons I think) and you might get a little problem with the texture too. The texture can be the same, but a huge sphere needs a huge texture…
this is more about modeling than using the Unreal Engline. Get a model Program like Blender.
Create a sphere and look for tutorials on how to make a UV Map.
A UV Map is something that brings 2D to 3D. Like if you want to paint your Tshirt, but you cant turn it around. So you need to cut the seams and lay front and back in front of you and paint it. Thats nearly the same with the UV Maps.
You mark seams where the 3D Model Program cuts the sphere so you can lay it on a plain (like cutting a football open).
After that you “draw” the texture on this plain and it will transfer the Texture to the 3D Object.
But its better you just watch a UV Mapping Tutorial on Youtube. There are several good ones. Also some about making a planet earth (cause to be honest, this is one of the easiest things in 3D Modeling).