How do I stop my AI enemy from moving towards the player after the player goes out of its view for a period of time

So I am making a survival horror type with an enemy ai that stalks you at different points in the game. The enemy will either patrol or when it spots the player, run after it. I’m running into the problem that once the enemy sees my player, it will always go to the player’s location even when out of view. I’m using a behavior tree using the move to once it sees my player. I’m still very new to ue4 and very very new to AI and how it works. Thank you in advance for your help!

Hi, seems like this here does what you want Behavior Tree Quick Start Guide | Unreal Engine Documentation

In the Behavior Tree Quick Start
Guide, you will learn how to create an
enemy AI that responds to seeing the
Player and proceeds to chase them.
When losing sight of the Player, after
a few seconds (which can be adjusted
based on your preference), the AI will
give up chasing and randomly move
around the environment until seeing
the Player again

And I found this here gives you a good overview of AI in UE

Hey thanks for the links, I’ll definitely check them out. They seem perfect for what I want to do!