How do I stop Metahuman hair from flipping around?

Metahuman hair flips around at the beginning of each render, and never falls back into place properly:

I have tried to Disable Simulation of Physics in the Groom, per this post:

But it didn’t work.

Can anyone please help explain how to stop this? It’s ruining cinematics.

Same problem…can’t find solution. Did you solve it?

i haven’t had this particular issue with Metahuman hair but have had a number of others.

usually making changes to LODs has lead to favourable results. Change the Bias, or forcing an LOD of 2 has worked often… granted it’s not idea, but it might get you somewhere

Ah mine is not metahuman character. But there’s few people like me after rendering . In video clothes and hair moves madly
Some people change the tick frame for solve but mine is not…

there was a thread about that where adding some motion blur fixes that… let me see if i can find it

check out this thread UE 4.26.1 - Movie Render Queue & Cloth Simulation: chaotic behavior - #13 by Jessy5765

Ah that’s the post where i can find solution. But it is not perfect solution…
Just match a tick frame to sequencer frame is not fix the problem all.
my clothes and hair still moving madly…so sad

Ah and did you know how to add motion blur specificly in render setting?? I cant find it

it’s a CVAR

Hey, I think I have something that will solve your problem:slight_smile: If you do not need detailed animations such as beard and hair, you will have to cancel the physics settings. In this way, you can avoid unnecessary GPU usage while rendering. Here is the link to the solution video explained in a simple way for your problem.

Same problem…can’t find solution. Did you solve it?

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Which Os aur you using?

On my Apple silicon it looks like that

even the straight Metahuman example is behaving weird

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This may have to do with the LOD Bias settings, this video helped, see if it works for you: