Unreal exports the game always with epic settings. You would have to override information with execute console commands or through a save / load settings system (you would need to copy the save game over to the packed project)
Switch to epic settings in the editor and see if the published version lines up with the packed.
You mean this? "GameUserSettings?
I saved it in cinematic and I still see it differently than the editor.
It actually looks very ugly. XD
When I make changes in the post-processing volume there are also changes in “standalone”… but it doesn’t look the same… normally it looks worse… Now there are some strange shadows (and I have everything configured to not cast shadows)… very strange…
I just found this post… it has some console commands and .INI settings.
I don’t know if it’s what you’re saying, but I’m going to look into it… for now, it’s the only information I’ve found on the subject.
Everything started to look bad when I changed the Postprocessing volume settings… when I had the default settings (without touching anything, everything looked more or less fine)… although with too much light for my taste. That’s why I started to experiment a little with the settings… that way I can learn how it works. And I realized that the editor and Standalone do not look the same.
I have all my mesh materials with everything disabled.
The difference is quite big when you see it up close.
It seems to lack shine and metallicity in standalone (Using Cinematic on both).
And standalone has more shadows…
This is crazy… Adjusting this in this way is going to be a nightmare.
That’s new to me…
I had “Game Settings”
I have disabled it and everything has become darker
I already thought that 5 lux was rubbish
In an office, at least 500 lux are needed for proper lighting.
Try duplicating the map, delete the post proc volume in the duplicate and see if it looks the same in editor and standalone.
I also remember something being different with gamma on render textees between editor and standalone. One was 1.0 the other was at 2.2 or something like that to compensate.
It’s been many EU versions since I received the message that I need to rebuild shadows and lights.
I thought it was because I’m using virtual shadow maps