How do I remove these stripes on static mesh?

How to remove these annoying bars?
You told me not to spam in comments, so I’m creating new topics

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You don’t have a good UV map on the mesh.

You can use the modelling mode to fix it

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I’ve known this option for a long time :). Is there no other way to get a static mesh? Because with the landscape and settings it always comes out evenly, and that’s what I asked about. How do I even out this little square that’s created in modeling? Because it always comes out crooked, and that’s reflected in the textures, and when I connect a texture with such a crooked little square, it doesn’t come out evenly. And that doesn’t look nice.

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I think it’s because you started with a plane and extruded it, right?

That will give you stretched UVs.

If you want the UVs to be ok from the get go, you need to model a cube.

Another solution is to use world aligned materials

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Thank you for the material, and I managed to fix this square

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Create them in the forums sections I linked to in the other thread. This is Off-Topic - only really weird people ever visit this place.

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I was assuming the thread was going to diverge into a list of great sub 10 minute recipes?..


Every other off-topic works, but not the Unreal Engine’s one :person_shrugging: - have you noticed? It’s either bots posting less than exciting dodgy hosting places for your business or folks still talking bout the engine headaches.

I, for once, would love to hear about the kind of novel potato dish @SupportiveEntity had for dinner last night. Or how swaggy and strangely familiar @Ares9323’s desk looks like. Or from @Nawrot cooling their monster PC by merely leaving the window slightly ajar. Or more from that one person who used BP wires to create doodle art…

disclaimer: do not DM me potato dish recipes, I have enough

New thread here just in case.


Ok, in the ‘what’s sitting on my desk right now’ sort of area, is

Folks really need to think about doing things ( especially in the engine ) in more unusual ways, and this really helps. An oldie, but still probably the best goldie…

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I’m just asking questions to learn more options, because I can do almost everything. I can sculpt, mark edges in polyedit group, I just want the game to be a good remake.
I use tutorials on my Polish YouTube and I’m learning all the time, I also mastered blender to make cars like Screwie Lewie :slight_smile:


Very good :star_struck:

Thank You :slight_smile: :heart:

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What about a monster potato PC cooling on a strangely unfamiliar desk :rofl:


Portal 3 confirmed!

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