Hi there.
We managed to get an evluation licence for scaleform but I"m not too experienced with full source usage.
I’m wondering how do we include 3rd party modules. I manage to get the codes to compile, but the file does not appear on Intermediate folder.
I adjusted the build .cs files to include scaleform but the intermediate have no sign of it. Perhaps it didn’t build it.
Hi Frozenfire,
I’ve moved this to the C++ section as you will more likely get answers or suggestions quicker here from the community or other developers.
Also you can check the forums in the Engine Source & GitHub section to see if other users have integrated it or to also get pointers on how to implement the Scaleform plugin into your engine source.
Thank you!
Now we managed to get it compiled. But on running the project. it crashed with log. Here’s the logfile.
This is the only error msg we got
[2014.06.13-02.40.37:971][257]LogWorld: Game class is ‘ScaleformProjectGameMode’
[2014.06.13-02.40.37:971][257]LogScaleformUI: Initializing Scaleform
[2014.06.13-02.40.38:377][257]LogWindows: === Critical error: ===
[2014.06.13-02.40.38:377][257]LogWindows: Fatal error!
[2014.06.13-02.40.38:377][257]LogExit: Executing StaticShutdownAfterError
[2014.06.13-02.40.38:383][257]LogWindows: FPlatformMisc::RequestExit(1)
[2014.06.13-02.40.38:383][257]Log file closed, 06/13/14 10:40:38
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