When attempting to import a korean font, the hangul characters show up in the preview, but appear broken or missing in the texture sheet and preview text after importing. How do I get the full range of characters to appear and function as a text render?
Did you ever find out? Looking for the same.
In case anyone stumbles upon this post, this is how I did it for Korean and Japanese:
Step 1: Prepare Font Asset
- Find a TTF font for that language, e.g. TakaoGothic for Japanese or EuljiroChe for Korean
- Drag TTF file into Content Browser and confirm to create Font Asset
- Open Font asset and change mode from “Runtime” to “Offline” and confirm
- Select the source front from the list or choose any font if it doesn’t show up there (was the case for me)
- Under “Font Name” enter the correct font name if source font was not on the list (e.g. “Takao Gothic”, or “Euljiro Che”)
- Set “Texture Page Width” and “Texture Page Max Height” to 1024
- Enable “Use Distance Field Alpha”
- Optionally enable “Alpha Only” (I use it for the Japanese font but not the Korean one)
- Set “Height” to 22
- Set “Unicode Range” (Japanese: “3040-309F, 30A0-30FF, 4E00-9FFF”, Korean Hangul: “3130-318F, AC00-D7AF, 1100-11FF”) - find codes for other languages here: Unicode Character Ranges
- Save, right-click asset and select “Reimport” (this might take a while)
Step 2: Prepare Font Material
- Create a copy of the default material applied to your TextRender component
- Open the new material and select the “Font” node, then set the new Font Asset here.
- Apply new material to your TextRender component.