How do I import korean characters into offline fonts/text render components?

When attempting to import a korean font, the hangul characters show up in the preview, but appear broken or missing in the texture sheet and preview text after importing. How do I get the full range of characters to appear and function as a text render?


Did you ever find out? Looking for the same.

In case anyone stumbles upon this post, this is how I did it for Korean and Japanese:

Step 1: Prepare Font Asset

  1. Find a TTF font for that language, e.g. TakaoGothic for Japanese or EuljiroChe for Korean
  2. Drag TTF file into Content Browser and confirm to create Font Asset
  3. Open Font asset and change mode from “Runtime” to “Offline” and confirm
  4. Select the source front from the list or choose any font if it doesn’t show up there (was the case for me)
  5. Under “Font Name” enter the correct font name if source font was not on the list (e.g. “Takao Gothic”, or “Euljiro Che”)
  6. Set “Texture Page Width” and “Texture Page Max Height” to 1024
  7. Enable “Use Distance Field Alpha”
  8. Optionally enable “Alpha Only” (I use it for the Japanese font but not the Korean one)
  9. Set “Height” to 22
  10. Set “Unicode Range” (Japanese: “3040-309F, 30A0-30FF, 4E00-9FFF”, Korean Hangul: “3130-318F, AC00-D7AF, 1100-11FF”) - find codes for other languages here: Unicode Character Ranges
  11. Save, right-click asset and select “Reimport” (this might take a while)

Step 2: Prepare Font Material

  1. Create a copy of the default material applied to your TextRender component
  2. Open the new material and select the “Font” node, then set the new Font Asset here.
  3. Apply new material to your TextRender component.