I am having real trouble getting my shadows just to react correctly. This is using a directional light here. Has anyone encountered this problem before and if so, how can this be resolved?
I am having real trouble getting my shadows just to react correctly. This is using a directional light here. Has anyone encountered this problem before and if so, how can this be resolved?
If we’re talking about static/stationary lighting then your receiver mesh (floor) doesn’t have enough lightmap resolution to visualize the correct lighting information.
Oki doki, thanks.
I’ve read this word lightmap and awful lot but maybe because I’m daft I still have no idea what it is and I can’t seem to find any simple definition. Does this come from the modelling program or is this something in UE4?
I saw a tick box for Override Lightmap Resolution. When I activated it every setting between 0 and 4000 just made everything way worse. Is this the wrong place to go?
Well… maybe you should read more about lightmaps and understand it because this is the most crucial part of static/stationary lighting!! If you have problems with your lightmaps you hardly get nice results!!
Basically you have 2 options: either you create your own lightmap uvs inside your 3d app (on a selected uv channel) or let Unreal create it for you during the importing procedure!
Yes you have 2 options to change lightmap resolution: 1 is inside the object’s properties, 2 is in the editor, overriding the one in the properties!
If you want to achieve nice/realistic shadows you’ll need at least 512 lightmap resolution for your floor!!
So, after doing some more reading and watching a couple of videos, what I can gather is the light map is just a UV map? There seems to be literally no difference to me. So the UV map for the textures will be the exact same for the light map. Maybe a bit more attention and thought is needed to ensure no light is bleeding over to parts of the map that are meant to be in shadow?
I think I have a little trouble with scale on my UV maps. Bringing my models into UE4 (From Modo) I am having to set me UE4 UV tiling to 100 instead of 1. So that will just be a setting I need to change in Modo probably.
Either way My shadows are ‘happening’ where I would expect them to be.
Thanks very much for replying to my question!