How do i get my foliage to stop casting these shadows?

My shadows look like this, and I am a literal 3 day noob and have no idea how to fix this. I’d like this grass to stop casting shadows, because they look horrible. Could anybody post the solution or a way to find out how to fix this i’d appreciate it! I have clicked on the foliage type and unselected “cast shadows”, etc.


Hello FormX,

This might be lightmass related issue, I’d like to point you to this article: Foliage Tool | Unreal Engine Documentation the lighting section.
TL;DR You essentially have to make sure your static meshes are setup correctly, i.e. the static meshes have a valid uv map and channel, and the lightmap resolution is small enough to be batched correctly.

Hope that helps. Just let me know if the problem persists, or if you have any questions.

