How do I fix a bug porting Ray Progression shader to u4.27?

[SM5] /Engine/Generated/Material.ush(2152,1-34): error X3511: unable to unroll loop, loop does not appear to terminate in a timely manner (27 iterations) or unrolled loop is too large, use the [unroll(n)] attribute to force an exact higher number

float accumdens = 0;
float transmittance = 1;
float3 lightenergy = 0;
Density *= StepSize;
LightVector *= ShadowStepSize;
ShadowDensity *= ShadowStepSize;
float shadowthresh = -log(ShadowThreshold) / ShadowDensity;
LocalCamVec = normalize( mul(Parameters.CameraVector, (float3x3)(GetPrimitiveData(Parameters.PrimitiveId).WorldToLocal))) * StepSize;

for (int i = 0; i < MaxSteps; i++)
    float cursample = PseudoVolumeTexture(Tex, TexSampler, saturate(CurPos), XYFrames, NumFrames).r;
    if(cursample > 0.001)
        float3 lpos = CurPos;
        float shadowdist = 0;
        for (int s = 0; s < ShadowSteps; s++)
            lpos += LightVector;
            float lsample = PseudoVolumeTexture(Tex, TexSampler, saturate(lpos), XYFrames, NumFrames).r;
            float3 shadowboxtest = floor( 0.5 + ( abs( 0.5 - lpos ) ) );
            float exitshadowbox = shadowboxtest .x + shadowboxtest .y + shadowboxtest .z;
            if(shadowdist > shadowthresh || exitshadowbox >= 1) break;
            shadowdist += lsample;
        float3 dfpos = 2 * (CurPos - 0.5) * GetPrimitiveData(Parameters.PrimitiveId).LocalObjectBoundsMax.x;
        dfpos = (float3)TransformLocalPositionToWorld(Parameters, dfpos) - CameraPosWS;
        float dftracedist = 1;
        float dfshadow = 1;
        float curdist = 0;
        float DistanceAlongCone = 0;
        for (int d = 0; d < DFSSteps; d++)
            DistanceAlongCone += curdist;
            curdist = GetDistanceToNearestSurfaceGlobal(dfpos);
            float SphereSize = DistanceAlongCone * LightTangent;
            dfshadow = min( saturate(curdist / SphereSize) , dfshadow);
   += LightVectorWS * dftracedist * curdist;
            dftracedist *= 1.0001;
        cursample = 1 - exp(-cursample * Density);
        lightenergy += exp(-shadowdist * ShadowDensity) * cursample * transmittance * LightColor * dfshadow;
        transmittance *= 1-cursample;
        shadowdist = 0;
        lpos = CurPos + float3(0,0,0.025);
        float lsample = PseudoVolumeTexture(Tex, TexSampler, saturate(lpos), XYFrames, NumFrames).r;
        shadowdist += lsample;
        lpos = CurPos + float3(0,0,0.05);
        lsample = PseudoVolumeTexture(Tex, TexSampler, saturate(lpos), XYFrames, NumFrames).r;
        shadowdist += lsample;
        lpos = CurPos + float3(0,0,0.15);
        lsample = PseudoVolumeTexture(Tex, TexSampler, saturate(lpos), XYFrames, NumFrames).r;
        shadowdist += lsample;
        lightenergy    += exp(-shadowdist  * AmbientDensity) * cursample * SkyColor * transmittance;


    CurPos += -LocalCamVec;

CurPos += LocalCamVec * (1 - FinalStepSize);
float cursample = PseudoVolumeTexture(Tex, TexSampler, saturate(CurPos), XYFrames, NumFrames).r;

    if(cursample > 0.001)

        float3 lpos = CurPos;
        float shadowdist = 0;

        for (int s = 0; s < ShadowSteps; s++)
            lpos += LightVector;
            float lsample = PseudoVolumeTexture(Tex, TexSampler, saturate(lpos), XYFrames, NumFrames).r;

            float3 shadowboxtest = floor( 0.5 + ( abs( 0.5 - lpos ) ) );
            float exitshadowbox = shadowboxtest .x + shadowboxtest .y + shadowboxtest .z;

            if(shadowdist > shadowthresh || exitshadowbox >= 1) break;

            shadowdist += lsample;

        float3 dfpos = 2 * (CurPos - 0.5) * GetPrimitiveData(Parameters.PrimitiveId).LocalObjectBoundsMax.x;
        dfpos = (float3)TransformLocalPositionToWorld(Parameters, dfpos) - CameraPosWS;
        float dftracedist = 1;
        float dfshadow = 1;
        float curdist = 0;
        float DistanceAlongCone = 0;
        for (int d = 0; d < DFSSteps; d++)
            DistanceAlongCone += curdist;
            curdist = GetDistanceToNearestSurfaceGlobal(dfpos);

            float SphereSize = DistanceAlongCone * LightTangent;

            dfshadow = min( saturate(curdist / SphereSize) , dfshadow);

   += LightVectorWS * dftracedist * curdist;
            dftracedist *= 1.0001;

    cursample = 1 - exp(-cursample * Density);
    lightenergy += exp(-shadowdist * ShadowDensity) * cursample * transmittance * LightColor * dfshadow;
    transmittance *= 1-cursample;

    shadowdist = 0;
    lpos = CurPos + float3(0,0,0.025);
    float lsample = PseudoVolumeTexture(Tex, TexSampler, saturate(lpos), XYFrames, NumFrames).r;
    shadowdist += lsample;
    lpos = CurPos + float3(0,0,0.05);
    lsample = PseudoVolumeTexture(Tex, TexSampler, saturate(lpos), XYFrames, NumFrames).r;
    shadowdist += lsample;
    lpos = CurPos + float3(0,0,0.15);
    lsample = PseudoVolumeTexture(Tex, TexSampler, saturate(lpos), XYFrames, NumFrames).r;
    shadowdist += lsample;

    lightenergy    += exp(-shadowdist  * AmbientDensity) * cursample * SkyColor * transmittance;

return float4( lightenergy, transmittance);