Hi, well im using the procedural foliage volume, and when i set the directional light in stationary or static the foliage cast shadows, but i have a lot of trees, so i get errors. I try to uncheck “cast static shadow” in the foliage tool and in the foliage type asset , but it continue casting the shadows.
I could set the directional light in dynamic, but i want to have the global illumination.
Someone knows how to only use dynamic shadows with the procedural foliage volume?
What errors?
If you want dynamic shadows with the procedural foliage, you have to use a dynamic light.
the total lightmap size for this instancedstaticmeshcomponent is large without static shadow
instanced meshes don’t yet support unique static lighting for each lod.
yes i know that i need dynamic light, so I use stationary, but continue casting shadows although i uncheck cast static shadows
Make your Light Sources moveable. Moveable Light Sources only generates dynamic shadows. Static or Stationary Light Sources generates Shadows Maps, if manually generated.
Regarding your issues. You have unchecked the “cast static shadow” and it still shows shadows, right?
Maybe you have one moveable light source in your scene. If this is the case, it shows shadows all the time, cause these shadows are dynamic and not static, so it has no effect when toggling the “cast static shadows” checkbox.