How do I disable lightmap mipping/streaming?

I have a large outdoor level with a lot of static meshes and the shadows degrade noticeably at 50 meters and disappear at 100 meters. Is there a way to disable or reduce the aggressiveness of the lightmap mipping or streaming?

Hey -

You can go into the *.ini files under the TextureStreaming section and make adjusts for lightmaps and shadowmaps. More information can be found here:

Texture Streaming in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.3 Documentation

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

Hey Eric,

I’ve tried to turn this off in the baseEngine.ini file but the lightmaps still mip. Do you have any additional tips on this?


Hey hyperjams -

After building lighhting for the first time, you can go into the World Settings and under Lightmass >> Advanced Rollout and open each lightmap texture individual and set the mip settings individually. You may also want to try to uncheck the compress lightmaps setting. This will increase the size of your project by at least 4x, but may be closer to the look you are after.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

Hi Eric,

Is there a way to find out what lightmap is associated with which actors? We’ve tried changing the mip settings on all of them but it doesn’t make any difference. It’s time consuming to change them all. We could iterate faster on this if we could focus on one lightmap and one actor.


Hey hyperjams -

There is not a way to tell which Lightmap contains which actor as it will change based on each light build. Depending on the types of light you have in the level, you can adjust the Cascading Shadows to help with the shadow fade distance from Dynamic to Static with Stationary lights. It could also be that the Lightmap resolution is too low for your meshes you can increase them and allow you light maps to get bigger which will allow for more pixels for a smoother fade gradient.

If you are consistently not getting the results you are looking for and performance is not a concern, the only thing left for me to recommend is to switch to Dynamic Lighting (set all to Movable).

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

i bump into this problem recently where i need to disable lightmap mip or set it to nomipmap all together not individually
… please let me know if you have a solution for this