How do I add multiple selected meshes and lights to an existing Blueprint?

Hey guys, Unreal newbie here:

I built a thing from multiple Maya objects in the editor and now I want to combine them into a single Blueprint so I can easily reuse the whole thing, lights and all.

I tried selecting all the things, but I cannot find a way to add them all into a single Blueprint.
Can someone explain? (Side question, when I add a new light inside the Blueprint editor, I cannot find the settings for changing Light color and Intensity, it’s not listed under the Details tab.

Much appriciated!

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Right click inside the blueprints folder, create Blueprint, select class Actor.

Inside, top left under Components, click the green Add Components button and type in Child Actor.

When it is in your actor blueprint, go to the right and edit its details under Child Actor Component. Search for your actor and a copy of it will be added to the blueprint. Do so for all objects and you are done as long as they are all blueprints.

For your light, you can Add Component and type in point light. On the right under details, there will be a section called Light, at the top of this there is intensity and right below that is light color.

So I have to create a Blueprint for each of my meshes? That sounds a bit redundant. I know I can drag meshes from the Content browser into the Blueprint, but they are placed at the origin location. Isn’t there a way to add meshes that are already placed in the right spot from the level?

As you can see on the picture, I have a bunch of meshes and lights in the right spot, there must be a way to place them like that into a Blueprint?

Figured it out:

Select all meshes and lights, at the top of your screen click the arrow next to Blueprints > Convert selected components to Blueprint class.