How create other node types?

How create custom nodes in plugins? Example with multiple flows or multiple outputs? I can only create the top two in the screenshot.

Hi, for multiple execution pins: How can I create Blueprints with multiple exec output pins in C++? - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums

For multiple outputs use & for inputs where you define your function (e. g. FVector& TargetLocation, FRotator& TargetRotation), and for the others take a look at function metadata specifiers Metadata Specifiers | Unreal Engine Documentation

And if you hover with your mouse over one of those nodes, then you see where they come from (e. g. if you hover over the Append function you see “Target is Kismet String Library”). Then you can open up KismetStringLibrary.h and see how that function was defined and what meta specifiers were used there.

No idea where branch and timeline are defined though =)