First i want record my player’s actions ( I’m using the third person sample).
And i want another character repeat these recorded actions, how can i do this.
Im still learning unreal c++ so I can’t break it down, but I’d think you’d want to do something like create an array of input actions, and on each input event, add a new element to the array. Then on another event for the second character, use a for each loop to query or execute those input actions. Just a rough concept wish I could help more with the actual code but I’m not quite there yet
Thank you
I have implemented the idea now. Actually i store the information about the player character’s movement for every tick, and then i let the another character to repeat the action according to these information tick by tick
Hey! Thanks for the reply, I am also trying to implement the same. Do you have more details on how to approach this? I am new to Unreal