How can I make XCOM like movable area outline

Using DeepL translation.

I am making a Turn-Based Tactics game.
I want to visualize the range of movement of units like in XCOM, but I don’t know what method to use to achieve this. I would like to get your advice.

I googled it then I found a similar topic in the Unity forum.
However, I am having difficulty because I have no knowledge of Unity, no knowledge of shaders, and poor comprehension of English.

I have already tried the Outline Post Process.
With this method, I was able to generate a Plane mesh in an arbitrary area and generate an ideal Outline, but I could not erase the drawing of the Plane itself , so I gave up.
(If I make plane translucent, then Outline disappears)

Due to my lack of Shader skills, I gave up on this for the moment.

I made each BP_Tiles have a BP_OutlineActor with a StaticMesh for displaying the outline on all four sides, and then checked all BP_Tiles that existed to turn those outlines on and off.
I don’t think it’s clever, but just working is ok for now I think.

Also, I found another relative articles about this.
-Any ideas on how to draw the outline of a range in a grid based system?
-XCom style overlay effect for movable area
-How to draw lines or grids on a mesh? [closed]