How can i make a pointlight which is moving around the room in the circle?


I want to make a light which is moving around the room for example on one side of a fan under the celling.
Could somebody tell me how can i do it in a tutorial way.

Thank you for your patience.
Jakub Piasek.

If you want it to move in a perfect circle, the easiest way would probably be to set its pivot off-center and then just rotate the actor.

First create a Blueprint and choose Actor as parent.
In the Blueprint’s Components tab create a Scene component to use as the root component and then attach a SpotLight to it. Move the SpotLight off-center.

Switch to the Blueprint’s Graph tab and set up the rotation.

See this question for setting up the rotation: How do I set up an object to rotate in place? - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums

Once done, just drag the Blueprint into the scene.

I have edited my answer and added some instructions.

Thank You Very Much for the answer. You helped me so much.