How can I get the relief of a texture after importing it from bridge?

Can you be more specific?

of course, when I import a material from bridge, I try that the texture has a relief, as in the photo, but my texture looks completely flat, I have tried this option but I have this problem, it is the sea that I have to program it in some specific way but not I know which one it is

what I want is that my texture is the same as that of the demonstration, that it has the same grooves in 3d

like this

Yes, it’s not displacement, it’s a problem with the normal I’d say ( kinda hard to tell ).

Have you tried tweaking the normal instead of the displacement?

u means this ?

What that looks good, no?

yes, but does not have relief as in the material shown

It is still flat, I do not understand very well how to get that 3d, the state it is looking at and it has to do with black and white maps, I do not know if I am wrong, you know any tutorial that speaks specifically for that

It’s looks ok to me, but I know what you mean.

I might be to do with your material setup, but I doubt that, because I’m assuming you’re using to material supplied by Megascans.

You might have to specifically enable tessellation, that’s what really makes things ‘poke out’.

It will either be a checkbox on the material instance, or you might need to specifcically use the tessellation material ( there may be more than one material ).

In any event, this explains all methods of getting a 3d look:

thank you very much for spending your time with me

It’s not the object polys. I know they say that in some tutorials, but if you look in wireframe mode, when you enable tessellation, the system adds the extra polys.

I think there’s probably just a switch you’re missing, or a different material instance you need to use. Something like that…

Look at them both in wireframe mode, this will tell you if it’s tessellating or not. ( You may have to get a bit closer for the tessellation to kick in ):

I notice your tessellation multiplier is grey out in the material, tessellation is not on, in that case…

No problem. Did you get there?..

I am trying, studying the video as much as possible to see what is happening to me, everything about tesselation I had already studied from before but I think it is due to the polygons of the object, I do not know yet, I will continue with the video to see what tar and in a couple of hours I tell you, as soon as I have I tell you

At the moment left tessellation, right normal material with a little change in the parameter of normal and tiling, (no tesselation)

I am convinced that it is the same, I do not add that 3d sensation simply the texture of the object makes the object get bigger and it comes out of the normal way that the object has

I know that at first glance it seems that the texture has relives but when you look closely you see that it is totally flat, I do something wrong with the maps and I do not know what it is, I will study the tutorial more thoroughly

i don’t think i use the proper maps