you mean the material node?
yes, that.
Ok, what engine are you running?
I see, anyway, in the photo that I am going to put you more or less it seems that it is taking shape or I am getting closer to what I want, I have been with this problem for almost 3 days and it is delaying my work a lot, maybe this It is great for me, whatever it is, again thank you very much for your time, if I can find the problem and leave it as I want, be sure I will let you know
The only thing I can recommend, is following one of the tutorials and get displacement working in a material of your own. Then you will be able to find out what’s wrong with the Megascans stuff.
Notice also the displacement texture you’re showing there, basically has no displacement in it.
Choose a material that has a lot of dark and light in the displacement map.
Yes, like that. That’s one to work with.
not exactly what I want but …:,)
I have to study all this a lot