Hidden Unit still show Indirect Capsule Shadows

Hi there. this is easily reproducible.

Apparently a hidden actor set by controller’s SetHiddenActor function still renders IndirectCapsuleShadow. However, Capsule shadow for direct lighting hide correctly. Only the indirect does not.

Hi Frozenfire,

I’m not seeing the same issue here when I use the Set Hidden in Game node to set the actors visibility in 4.12.5.

Do you have a proper setup to demonstrate this? If so please post here and include all necessary steps to reproduce.

Thank you!


THis isn’t set via Set Hidden Game.

As mentioned in original post. The method of hiding need to use SetHiddenActor function in PlayerController. it’s a different way of hiding unit. This is a player specific function.

In the picture shown you can see them, clearly the indirect is showing when hidden , the direct lighting ( under directional light ) is properly hidden.

Apologies as I didn’t clarify earlier , this can only be done via C++ in player controller function.

	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Visibility")
		void AddHiddenActors(AActor* ActorToHide)

	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Visibility")
		void RemoveHiddenActors(AActor* ActorToHide)

Hello Frozenfire,

I was able to reproduce this issue on 4.11.2 but after converting the same project to 4.12.5, I’m not seeing the issue any more. Can you give this a try in 4.12.5 and see if you are able to reproduce the issue?

Oh I suppose it’s fixed in 4.12.5 then. We haven’t migrate will report back if the error persists. I trust your information on this is correct. I’ll as resolve and reopen if it doesn’t appear fixed in 4.12.5.