Hidden shadow doesn't work

Hi! I’m trying to get a shadow from an object that has “Actor Hidden in Game” turned on. “Hidden Shadow” is also turned on. But it doesn’t appear anyway. I’m sure I had it working at some point before, but it doesn’t anymore. Any ideas on what I might have changed (in settings or somewhere else) in order for it to stop working and how to fix it? Thanks in advance!

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I had an issue getting “Hidden Shadow” to work too, my solution ended up being:

  • Set top-level actor to Actor Hidden In Game
  • Manually setting each aspect of the actor that would cast a shadow to Hidden Shadow

What to you mean by “top-level actor”?

Top level component, meant top level component :sweat_smile:

Like, the root component needs to be set to Hidden

Not working anyway

Same here, in UE 5.0 everything worked ok… now its not working at all… I have topdown project and if character walks inside building hide objects like roof and walls but want them to cast shadow… doestn work in 5.1 :confused:

Ok got it to work, Project settings > Rendering > Shadows change to Virtual shadow maps (beta) restart project > follow instruction to enable dx12 settings that engine gives

For me setting Affect Indirect Lighting While Hidden to true worked both in Shadow maps and Virtual Shadow Maps

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Still I have a problem to render it via Movie render queue - the result is floow wihtout a shadow

Sadly this doesn’t work with grooms

hidden shadow it only works nanite mesh
check whether nanite is enabled