im gonna try it because its been more than a month and still no fix
deleting the intermediate folder might have worked the first time for you because you deleted this folder, which if I go into it has 4 folders each containing uploads of the 4 projects that are crashing while uploading.
The only fix I’ve found for this is syncing to my last known good revision and building then launching the game to make sure it runs, then syncing to the most up-to-date version. I always keep a known good build in my revision history before doing memory calculations.
I don’t use revision control since its very complicated and only add more steps to the development,
and I tried launching a session from another machine, only to have a faster UEFN crash, its safe to
say that my account was corrupted since v29 release,
New error during session launch ,!!!
Network error occurred when connecting to a server after matchmaking completed. Error: UNetConnection::Tick: Connection TIMED OUT. Closing connection… Elapsed: 20.00, Real: 20.00, Good: 20.00, DriverTime: 20.13, Threshold: 20.00, [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr:, Name: IpConnection_0, Driver: IpNetDriver_0 IpNetDriver_0, IsServer: NO, PC: NULL, Owner: NULL, UniqueId: MCP:c1578618ad574e20b99234adede15b46
Your backend is: Fortnite
Your Build is: ++Fortnite+Release-29.10-CL-32567225
Region: EU
First successful session launch since 3 weeks with new update 29.20, I will see if its stable and I like to know if all users with the same bug where able to launch session again, thanks Epic for the fix
Yes it’s finally fixed for me too
tho it got stuck uploading for first and second time but eventually it went all the way and launched the session
For me it’s way worse since 29.20. Fortnite is crashing almost always during loading screens.
You mean the game or UEFN ? ,
try to disable your windows firewall, and update graphics drivers, if that didn’t help you can uninstall the game and reinstall again, I hope it help.
Game in UEFN sessions, seems like clearing appdata helped. Removed all folders for Unreal/Uefn/Fortnite, thanks @wawoo
it finally works
I’m having the same issue but I was able to roll back the revision a couple hours and then I could launch a session again a lot started noticing this issue once a wav file was imported and used on an asset all the sound Fx we’re gone and kept hearing a beep “I think this was because the file duration was like 2:00 mins was able to get sound fx back via revision rollback but got this error once we tried to roll it forward again to try and just delete audio file……now whenever we try to launch a session uefn just crashes
My project keeps crashing too every time I try to open it. Keep spamming them with bug reports until we can finally get back into our projects again.
Here are two potential fixes I have found for some of the errors that caused my UEFN to crash regularly.
For “not enough VRAM” problems or shader compilation errors, switch both your UEFN and Fortnite launch options to include the flag “-d3d11.” This should switch it from DirectX 12 to DirectX 11, which is much more stable.
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000000000 was a niche problem for me, stemming from how MSI motherboards and new Intel CPUs interact with each other. It also affects Asus motherboards. To fix it, you need to underclock the CPU a little bit. In my case, I changed it from 5.4 GHz down to 5.2 GHz, and this completely fixed all UEFN-related crashing for me.
Hope someone finds this helpful.