]Hi there!
I have a problem while lighting my level in UE4 4.11.2 (Windows). Whenever I use a point light, it will only light in one direction, and a directional light doesn´t even light at all. For some reason, this only happens when trying to illuminate the landscape, created with the sculptor tool in UE4. Both the point and directional light work fine on assets brought from 3ds max.
I´ve tried the lights in stationary, static and movable, and the problem remains the same. Also when I build the lights, they completely dissapear after they are build.
In this pic, the directional light does nothing in the landscape but as I said before, it lights the assets brought from 3ds max, in this case, the folliage.
Also, as you can see in this one, if I put a directional light in the other side of the landscape, it will light it.
The white stripes are rain particles, I left it for the screenshots just in case it may have something to do.
Thank you for your time and excuse any grammar mistakes since english is my second language.
I just had a similar problem happen in my project on 4.17
Try adding a Lightmass Importance Volume around the area
Also try adding Reflection Captures. If that light is static and you’re using the metalic property on your material, it needs a Reflection Capture
I´ve tried all of those things but the problem remains the same. The level already had a Lightmass Importance Volume and a Precomputed Visibility Voulme (both covering the whole level from every side).
The landscape has only a multimaterial with just the base texture, no normals, no metallic, roughness, just the texture.
Yeah, just in case, I always do the full build.
About the terrain, I tried putting lights in different areas of the map but same issue (in the first pic you can see two more point lights in the back, with the same issue).
About the volumes, I tried switching absoultely all of them on and off and building, but no results. Anyway, I just have the Lightmass Importance Voulme, an Precomputed Visibility Voulme and a Postprocess Volume.
I havn´t made any changes on the project lighting settings.
Wow, ok this is just getting weirder. I just tried adding a new section and yes, both the point light and the spot light worked fine! But then I builded and only the point light was working, the spot light wasn´t lighting at all (this nex section is covered by the lightmass and precomputed visibility volumes too). Will try changing the whole landscape for a new one and will let you know what happens. (I have to go so won´t be able to post until 10 or 11 hours tho)
Sorry for the delay. So I erased the landscape and added a new one, At first, with the texture that came attached to the new landscape, lights would work fine, but then I put the multi material and started painting the landscape. The whole map turned dark and lights no longer afect it, and the problem with the point light appears again. Maybe some problem with multi materials and light?
About the Lightmap Resolution, no, I did not.
So I destroyed everything, all voulmes, the directional light, sky sphere, etc and put them back in the default settings, but the issure remains the same. Tried with absoultely nothing too, just the landscape with the multim material, and same problem, so the problem has to be the multimaterial.
In this pic you can see how the point light works just fine in this piece of landscape that doesn´t have the multimaterial, while the moment the light reaches the area where the multimaterial starts, it stops lighting in all directions
So I created a new material for the landscape, doing the exact same thing and exact same textures I did with the previous one, and for some reason, now it is working normally. SoI guess is solved…but not a clue why!
The point light actually looks as if it is using an ies profile, and they are often rotated differently. I doubt that the issue was this, but I thought I’d say it just in case