as soon as i try to create an layer , it doesnt work and i cant save my landscape anymore

Hey Ratasonk,
In the Outliner in the Landscape, what is it showing in the Landscape Material slot?
OK, I have a rough idea on what to do, seen a few similar posts a while back…
In your Landscape Mode > Paint, can you expand the Layers under the Target Layers, it should have the different paint layers, in each paint layer use the + to add layer info and save.
It may not have any layers in it, you may have to add them in.
It will prompt you for weighted or non weighted layer, hopefully someone can do a post and clarify on this, because I am not too sure about this, but I think the weighted blend layer should be like the biome base material like the grass, but the grass is already there…
The no weight blend goes on top, use the paint tool to paint it on, and subtractive noise to erase it off.
I would create them all as no weight… all the other landscape materials use no-weight by default.
I’m not sure how this will affect the layer you have edited already, may have to redo… but the masking of your layer_6 in the picture is a bit hmmmm, we might have to deal with that when you get the layers working…did you add in an alpha layer, I think its common for UE to add an alpha layer, but probably not neccessary in UEFN…
i figured the layers out but they just wont save
also my paint worked on other maps
Maybe that yellow triangle needs to be sorted first, then it will probably give you some more related to landscape
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