HELP! How to make a lightbulb wing and forth forever

Skeletal mesh with a single animation.

Hi! I can’t find any information or tutorial about this, I simply want to animate a lightsource on a cable from the ceiling swinging back and forth like in Silent Hill P.T. I know about cable actor but that is not the same thing, I simply want to make it go back and forth forever. How can that be done?

This is the basic movement you want? ( excuse the fact it looks nothing like a light… ):


Yeah, looking a bit more spooky now:


So it’s basically a BP with these components in:

In my case it’s just two spheres, and the cable is a cylinder.

You have to put them in that hierarchy ( connected together ), to that when you rotate the top ball, the reset goes with it.

The top sphere is rotated in Y by 5 degress, which puts it all on a slant.

Then I added a scene at the very top which has no transform and connected everything to that. This means that I can rotate the scene, and the rest of the BP follows offset by 5 degrees like that.

It’s just a timeline:

Tell me if you need more info.

You sir deserve a medal, yes that is how I want it except only in y or x axis back and forth but this is absolutely what I was looking for. Thank you so much! I can’t believe that there is no tutorial or anything out there that shows this… Well thanks again and I wish you the best! :slight_smile: