Hell Shadow Flicker(

Hello everybody! By some devil, the shadows on the bars are incredibly noisy! Does anyone know how to fix it? I have already made 4 versions of the grid, by beams, by floors and solid… Do not offer an option with opacity)

I think this is just how software traced Lumen looks by default. You can increase the Lumen sample count in your Post Process Volume, and some people have had better results when they disabled Virtual Shadow Maps in Project Settings. Not sure if this would actually affect anything, but you could also try setting the Detail Mode on your directional light to high.

You can disable Lumen altogether and use baked volumetric lightmaps instead if you’re still having issues.

Thanks for the answer! Basically, I just connected DLSS, and everything was gone. But I don’t like that it works this way, with any of the mesh options of the grid, it makes noise. I think then they will fix either the antialising or the lumen, since the stove does not make noise and unit