Anytime I go to play the Havoc Hotel 3 (Roguelike) it lags and stalls on “preparing at 100%” and then freezes, it then freezes for a minute or two before giving the “Content Beacon Error”. I’m playing on PC, I have checked my files and verified them about three times, restarted my internet as well as computer. My internet is fine, I do not have a ethernet cable to connect to and only have wireless wifi connection. Every other game mode if working just fine, this is the only one that won’t load for me.
Thanks all. Could we please get some logs so we can investigate? We’ll need your Fortnite logs, please scroll down to “Fortnite Game Logs” for instructions.
Hi, I can’t get my logs nor is there anything that tells me how to do it on console and I can’t DM you it’s not popping up. I’m having the same issue and now when I even search Hotel Havoc none of them are popping up. I could play 1 & 2 but not anymore.
Im having the same issue. Got a error msg a few times then it disappeared. Uninstall reinstall and server change didn’t fix
Mine is still gone. Is yours?
I can play Havoc Hotel, Havoc Hotel 2, and Havoc Hotel 4. I have put all my time into Havoc Hotel 3 but haven’t been able to find Havoc Hotel 3 anywhere for at least 24hrs. I’ve even used the island code to search and nothing.
This could be an issue with how verse is being referenced with another verse file, because I’m having the same problem and i can launch my game smoothly when none of my verse files are being referenced.
Seems like havoc hotel 3 is up and running and have said they have found a fix? Can you please tell us what you did to fix it? My game and multiple players games are still down for the same issue.