Hi, I trying to use my bake GPU light with realistic reflection glass and etc. using Raytrace. It is possible to use this 2 system together ? When I bake light I need turn off Raytrace in my sceene so when I enable raytrace reflection in post proces volume - it’s not work. I need to turn on raytrace in my scene with cmd : r.RayTracing.ForceAllRayTracingEffects 1 then reflection work but unfortunately Raytrace GI also. Disable Raytrace GI in post proces nothing changes. I use UE 5.0.3
Try r.RayTracing.ForceAllRayTracingEffects -1 instead
Thx, it work’s but I need to also turn off cast shadow raytrace in lights.
You can go to your project settings and uncheck the Ray traced shadows globally.