gpu lightmass plugin issue

Hi (noob :warning:)
Ok here it goes. I used “gpu lightmass” plugin to bake a whole interior scene. Works great and all but dynamic reflections are still there (when I move an object, I get real-time feedback which is fine on PC but I’m pretty sure mobile devices will struggle to handle these reflections.) Now can I get reflections baked in the scene somehow that after even deleting an object, it’s refelction still be there?

hi @Ehsan_designer,

I don’t know this answer but users in
Luoshuang’s GPULightmass - Development / Rendering - Epic Developer Community Forums (

may have already found the answer.

Thanks for your time. But I’m afraid it’s not the case. So far, I’m sticking to the old method of placing a spherical reflection capture to get baked reflections. I’ll test other thing and I’ll post the results here if I could manage to deal with it.

CPU and GPU Lightmass are for baking Static and Stationary lights only, so they do not bear any relation to reflections. Baked lighting via both CPU and GPU Lightmass can only be used when Lumen is disabled, so indeed the only way to “bake” reflections without Lumen is to use reflection captures, or rely on screen space reflections. (Or non-Lumen ray traced reflections, if you can afford the performance of ray tracing.)