Gpu crash/d3d device removed error?

Changing TDR didn’t help much at all. Close apps it’s not much the help either. But I’ll try the first solution of the gpu lightmass global illumination to see if this works or not. I’ll let you know

To be honest I did everything but it crashed at some point…

But also I try to use maximum settings, I have a lot of dev and beta drivers/software, and I have windows 11 … so who knows :smiley:


Remember William!


Yea you ain’t kiddin dude. Now you know how I feel :pensive: I just hope epic games can able to fix this patch soon as possible and seeing this problem happening alot to current of us people too. Because ever since when I just had gotten a nice wonderful new high end pc, I started to download. Played with it ue5 for the first time. And then next thing the gpu crashed or d3d device removed error kept popping on alot. And I though it was something related of the overheating fans or anything. But, it kind of looks like unreal engine 5 gpu crash error is doing it own it’s own. And I had nothing to do with it what so ever. And I had tried everything. And it just looks like I’m gonna be stuck with it for quiet of for long while time. Who knows whenever it’s gonna be fixed. And I don’t know even know if I want to continue using unreal engine 5 right now :pensive::pensive: And it’s be stressing and upsetting me out right now ever since from last month when I started it

But tell me, which settings do you have? are you using Virtual Textures? Raytracing, Lumen, Path tracing? Cinematic settings?..

What about trying same in ue4? Perhaps…

First, I’m using in epic. Second, yes. I have enable the virtual textures. And thirdly, I’m also using lumen. And plus I did had enable the path tracing, and hardware ray tracing too just to get a bit more sharp reflections. And some supportive caustics effect too. And plus, I’m mean ue4 is pretty cool too. But it felt like unreal engine 5 has like more realism support without using ray tracing effect. And plus the nanite tool is just fantastic to use without having no performance problems on polygons :100::100::100:

Try going back to windows 10, I know it’s a hassle but since I reinstalled 5 days ago I didn’t have a single problem. You’re windows 11 license also just works with it. Funnily enough I was playing Doom Eternal and I had the game freezing after 5-6 minutes but I didn’t make the connection until now. Will have to reinstall the game and look if that problem has also gone away.

Ok my friend!! you are like me, I want everything!! And postproduction

Ok, is not possible because graphic card dies… look this scenario in regular poor settings

And more or less the same close to the settings of my dreams


So I guess…

I changed the gpu power target to 65, all other settings are factory default (my card is OC)
It’s been 2 days since I had a crash. I don’t know if it is the way I am working or something else. I am watching.
Unlike the downclock, reducing the power target didn’t make any change in performance that I noticed.

Screenshot 2022-05-24 152626

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yes…the dreaded GPU hang returns with a vengeance!

trying to render some shots from Movie Render Queue where cams use a mix of lumen/RT refl/refr/trans per shot.

instant crash for a 2K render with 1 temporal and spatial sample counts.

seems like ill have to turn of the DX12 shiny stuff perhaps since it appears ‘problematic’ to say the least;)

latest studio drivers; 512.96
gpu - 2080ti
ue: 5.0.1
latest win x64: version 21H1
ultrawide 5k samsung dual QHD> refresh rate - 240 /adaptive sync - on
fps capped at 50 fps in NVCP
*Despite screenshot TDRLevel now at zero and Delay at 60sec.

There is a lot of “possible solutions” but in the end William knows why

William Fix

What I understand is we are trying to check lumen, virtual textures, raytracing, patchtracing and whatever it sound good to us, and this is not the way

Take a look to this one, i did download for ue5 and never crashes to me, and is amazing:

Quixel abandoned apartment

marketplace link

So what I did is to download some projects I like… and copy/paste settings!! :smiley:

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yeh, that asset is no longer available on market place…like you say can give ideas about what bells and whistles to turn/put on…

as we all know so many variables involved there is no one answer for all.

I just deleted out some assets I didn’t need [world creator imported mountain ranges], removed all assets not used by the project, and re-set my TDR values and can now produce 2k anim renders using both raytrace/lumen/screenspace features. as for 4K+ that is anybody’s guess;) happy investigating!

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I have 3080ti on Windows 11 - crashes frequently. Updated drivers is not helping.

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Hello All! I have a neat Update.
I’ve Just built a WHOLE NEW PC except my Zotec 1080TI Amp OC Extreme GPU.

The Hang happens still, with the new pc (128GB RAM BTW! :smiley: DDR5)

Until I underclock my GPU’s VRAM by -100Mhz again, like I did on the older (8700k) pc.

So for me, its 100% caused by the GPU Ram not being stable at its overclocked speeds. When I underlocked the GPU core, it reduced the faults but did not eliminate them, like underclocking the VRAM does. And to be clear, I do not under-clock the GPU once the ram is under-clocked, just under-clocking the ram (vram) totally resolves my issues with device hung 3d, device disconnected.

New PC : ??
4x32GB DDR5 5200 running at 3600 right now, need to test at 4800, wont boot 5200.
raid1 g4 nvme at 14,000 MBps/7000write

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Guys I know it is not convenient but going back to windows 10 is the only solution that helped me. Windows 11 license can be used for windows 10.

Thank you so much! Solved <3

I have had a lot of frustrating crashes, especially when dealing with Metahumans, despite the change of tdr registry settings, so I was highly motivated to find a fix. My laptop is running Windows 10, and doesn’t seem to have the same issue, so I considered taking my desktop back to Windows 10, but the amount of time and effort involved would have been enormous.
What I decided to do was build UE 5 from source. It is also a somewhat troublesome way to deal with this, but much easier for me than going back to Windows 10. It’s understood that may not be feasible for all, but it wasn’t nearly as difficult or time consuming as I expected. The instructions are pretty straightforward (both on the site, and in the readme that is found in the source once you get that far).
For anyone willing to try this option, a few notes:
0) Use Visual Studio 2019 (Community)

  1. Make sure to install the .NET 6.0 SDK
  2. If you get a build error that seems to be about .NET 6.0 even with the above, build again after getting to that point.
  3. I used the ue5_main branch with commit b831cd1b53617def6cd5fe9b15617eb6aabefcd3 (“Fixed spec/diffuse error from a previous improvement…”) as the basis for my build, and it compiled just fine. Some commits may not compile.
  4. You will need a lot of available space (over 200 GB in all).
  5. Plugins could be an issue, depending on which ones you use, but Bridge is included in the build.
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Greetings, everyone.
I had this crash on startup with a blank project.
What seems to have helped resolve it was simply to restore Nvidia Control Panel global settings to default. Hope this helps someone who has a similar issue.

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was linking via datasmith with REVIT. Worked for me. Gracias from Spain!

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Did the compiled Ue4 solved your problem. Curious because did not solve it for me.

I haven’t had that crash since I installed Nvidia’s 516.40 driver. I think it is fixed for me.

Before, with the downclocked gpu, I had on average 3 crashes a day.

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