Glowing light artifats on objects, UE4 imported to UE5


I have imported an UE4 project to UE5 and I am facing some lighting and reflections problems.

The most of it was due to reflection capture but I almost fix it even if the look is quite different from UE4.

But I still have kind a glow/lens on some assets and I don’t know why it is occurring.

There is no illumination material on those assets, just simple PBR texture (Diffuse/Rough/Normal).

I tried to

  • turn off post process volume, direct lighting but it seems to have no effect on it.
  • turn on nanite, but seems to have no effect… I didn’t see any differences in nanite visualization windows.
    -tried to change some project settings like Reduce lightmap mixing on smooth surfaces, Enable Rough Diffuse Material, Activate virtual shadow map.
    -I tried to change the materials but the artifacts always appears.

Any idea of what is artifacts comes from ?

Thank for your help

Try changing anti-aliasing method from TSR to TAA

Hi Miguel,

Thanks for your help it’s very appreciates.
The anti-aliasing have an effect on the way the artifacts shows on the screen but it did not cancel it unfortunately. I continue my investigating on this and will post here if I find a solution.

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