Global Illumination Scalability Issues


So i am having an issue in my interior part of my level. It is supposed to be a dark ice cave illuminated by these glowing rocks you see. On epic and high settings for global illumination i am getting the intended lighting effect with it being dark. But when i switch to medium or low it becomes way too bright and flat. I believe this is because Lumen is only on high and epic?

Is there a way around this or a way to get the medium and low settings to be balanced with how it looks in high and epic.

For reference the project settings global illumination is set to Lumen and so is the post processing effect volume that the cave is in.


Unless someone here corrects me, I find that the quality of lighting tanks at any setting below HIGH. If I recall correctly, you are correct, that LUMEN will not function at any setting below HIGH.

That said, you’re going to have to use old-fashioned lighting techniques if you plan on utilizing a lower-quality lighting scheme.

No shortcuts. (Unless someone proves me wrong, and they may, and I welcome it!)

A quick fix would be to adjust your post process. But, unless you know what you’re doing, getting convincing lighting is an art.

Would you know of any tips on how to get it to balance correctly between lumen and SSGI. If its off by a bit thats fine but SSGI makes it look like its out in the open when it really is in an enclosed cave

Hello there,

A good tip to get is to get under the hood and understand what those presets are doing. When changing a preset to low, high, medium, you’re actually loading and unloading a collection of console variables. Console Variables in C++ | Unreal Engine Documentation

You can go in Window > Consoles Variables
Once the window pop up, you can see what values are beeing edited by each preset. Tweak what you need, then save it as a preset, you’ll be able to reuse that preset in editor, rendering or in game.

Hope that helps. :slight_smile:

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This looks like it could help. So with this is there a way to change the medium and low scalability settings to use lumen instead of ssgi?

Yeah sure.
I would recommend doing a widget rather than changing those presets.

So load the medium preset, do the tweaks you need, save that as a preset, and load that via either a widget, a scripted action or any kind of blueprint.

Here’s the node you’re looking for.

You can also load a preset by clicking the preset tab on the top right or the Console Variable panel.

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