Hi there,
I’m trying to modify the UVs of SceneTexture though a Post Processing Material.
I have currently created a PostProcess Material in the UE4 Editor which has the following connectivity: TexCoord->SceneTexture:PostProcessingInpput0(UV in, Color out)->MyMaterial(Emissive in).
So I’m essentially trying to replace TexCoord by my own UVs defined in C++ and being dynamically changed at every frame.
Here are my questions (I’m trying to avoid modifying the engine source code itself):
- how do I get a C++ pointer to the “UV” member of “SceneTexture” (Editor) ?
- what is the expected format for UVs in SceneTexture ? Array of Vector2D, 2D array of float (represented as a 1D array ?), …
- Is there a way to access to the SceneTexture’s UVs of the Editor but using Blueprints ?
- Is there a C++ sample that shows how to dynamically modify the UVs of SceneTexture ?
Additional question:
- is there a way of injecting my own pixel shader in the UE pipeline without touching the UE source code ?
Please note that I initially tried to use Textures as inputs for that, but there is no 32bits floating point format. I managed to get the textures being modified in real time but as there are no float format, the result was way too aliased and unusable.
Best Regards,