Getting this Weird Shadow Lines on Certain objects in Certain Area of my Scene? Cant Find the Cause of this ;(


From what I have seen, it is a common problem in certain cases of dynamic lighting.
You can fix it by increasing the “Shadow Bias” in your dynamic light propierties:

  • In the details of you light, in “Light” category expand “Advanced”
  • There increase the “Shadow Bias” to 0.6

As the documentation says:
“Shadow bias is a per-light set of properties that help improve accuracy of self-shadowing and contact hardening from a light source.”

If you want to read more I leave you the link to the documentation about Shadow Bias:

And here is a link to another user with the same issue too, in case you would also like to try some of the other solutions offered by users:

I hope this helps you!

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Thank You For the Answer. Will Try this now ;).

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If your not using Nanite, you can switch your Shadow Map Method from Virtual Shadow Maps to Shadow Maps in the Project > Rendering Settings.