Decided to dig a little deeper in understanding UProperty’s and UClass’s etc. With this code I’m getting behavior I really don’t understand and I’m wondering if someone could explain this to me:
AUObjectTester::AUObjectTester(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer)
: Super(ObjectInitializer)
TestUObject = ObjectInitializer.CreateDefaultSubobject<UTestUObject>(this, TEXT("MyTestUObject"));
UClass* TestUObjectClass = TestUObject->GetClass();
UClass* TestUObjectStaticClass = UTestUObject::StaticClass();
UClass* TestUObjectStaticClassTakenFromGetClass = TestUObject->GetClass()->StaticClass();
PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;
TestUObjectClass is name TestUObject.
TestUObjectStaticClass is name TestUObject
TestUObjectStaticClassTakenFromGetClass is name Class
but here in a function that is called 3 seconds after BeginPlay:
void AUObjectTester::TimedFunction()
UClass* TestUObjectClass = TestUObject->GetClass();
UClass* TestUObjectStaticClass = UTestUObject::StaticClass();
UClass* TestUObjectStaticClassTakenFromGetClass = TestUObject->GetClass()->StaticClass();
bool Test1 = false;
if (TestUObject->IsA(TestUObject->GetClass()))
Test1 = true;
bool Test2 = false;
if (TestUObject->IsA(UTestUObject::StaticClass()))
Test2 = true;
bool Test3 = false;
if (TestUObject->IsA(TestUObject->GetClass()->StaticClass()))
Test3 = true;
TestUObjectClass is name OnlineSession.
TestUObjectStaticClass is name TestUObject
TestUObjectStaticClassTakenFromGetClass is name Class
Also only test1 one passes.
Is there maybe something wrong with my code?
Do i not understand some kind of difference between what StaticClass() returns and GetClass() returns?
I’ve done a lot of unreal coding and never experienced any problems with checking what a class type an object is with the IsA() method, the behavior here is quite worrying to me and makes me think I don’t understand what is going on.
Anyway very confused and would appreciate some feedback.