Get Hit Result Under Cursor

Hey there,
I’m using a Get Hit Result Under Cursor for Objects node, with a specific (custom) object type defined as a target.
Shouldn’t this work only if the Object is directly under the cursor ? Hit result is valid even if the targeted object is hidden under static meshes or so.

What the Get Hit Result Under Cursor for Objects will do is perform a collision trace from the place where your cursor is away from the screen, and it will return the first object the trace hits that matches one of the Object Types you specified.

So if the static meshes in front of your object are not of an object type specified in those Object Types they will be ingored and the trace will go through untill it hits an object that matches the Object type.

If you want to check on all objects that are visible you can use Get Hit Result Under Cursor by Channel with Visibility as Trace Channel.

Hit result is valid even if the
targeted object is hidden under static
meshes or so.

On the contrary, that’s the whole point. It allows you to filter out the undesired results very efficiently.

Imagine a top-down game where one is supposed to click fish under the surface of water. You’re free to *Get Hit Result Under Cursor for *Fish objects even though there’s water, boats, seaweed, turtles, sunken tree trunks and whatnot in the way.

You can click through other things without worrying - they’re all being ignored.

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Alright, I misunderstood that node, thanks to @LogierJan and @Everynone !

Subsidiary question here : is there a way to check objects type after a channel trace ? I want to check objects for visibility but only a certain type of object. No “get object type” node or similar…

Nvm I’ve found a way using interface implementation check. Thanks again !