Geometry Editor 2.0 suggestion thread

Very sad truly, this first OP mockup still is very beautiful


What terrain tool is that? Or is it another creation tool?

That is Call of Duty 4 engine, the new Black Ops 3 version is better. Is the tool included in engine to create terrains, walls etc

Sounds great :slight_smile: Will have a look at it.

What does it mean that they archived the card?

It means it’s dead.

And unfortunately ProBuilder still isn’t available for UE.

Hoping we get probuilder in a beta form at least by christmas, thats the least they could do :frowning:

Unity has an tool called “Real Time CSG” available on the asset store.

You can find the sample code here -> GitHub - LogicalError/Realtime-CSG-demo: Code from article "Real Time Constructive Solid Geometry" in the book "Game Development Tools"

Keep in mind that this is written in C Sharp.

So this post have more than 2 years now

Quick random test in 10+ minutes with current BSP to mesh conversion(roof, walls, floor) mixed with Epic, forum assets. Imagine what new Geo 2.0 can do if it would be fast multithreaded C++ code inside UE4. It would be so easy and fast to create basic world and edit UV maps realtime like BSP but even better. Geo 2.0 will change everything. Currently i make object in BSP-s, then save i BSP to .txt and then i convert to static mesh.

I asked dev if he has plans to port it to UE4 and he said N-O :frowning:

Has anyone tried working with TrenchBroom or DarkRadiant and HammUEr plugin ? I think it’s the only CSG level design option at this time (and for years to come).

One thing I remember from using the BlackOps3 Radiant is that you could export right out to .obj and it had good Maya tools for other aspects for game development. I am an old Radiant user from the Quake 2 and 3 days, then Medal Of Honor, COD, etc. The speed of Radiant for blocking out levels is un matched in Unreal 4 I just did a test building the same simple things using a 15 year old version of Quake3Ed. Just being able to toggle the windows using the ALT+TAB key makes things go faster. I know if I spent more time in Unreal 4 building using CSG I would get faster, one good tools is the draw / pencil tool. I would be interested in a plugin that replicates Radiant.

There is a neew solution in dev, that don’t use BSP anymore but edit the meshes, is way way slower by far compared with the Radiant workflow etc, and is not 2D viewport read. Seens more like a VR toy.

Trenchbroom is BSP/CSG level editor and it has no 2D projection viewports. Really nice editor. 2D get messy really fast, although I wouldn’t dump 2D views.

The new geo tools are pretty awesome already, and they’re being built by Mike Fricker, who’s awesome, and who acknowledges what’s awesome about Hammer/Radiant etc, so after a UI pass on it I’m pretty optimistic that it’s going to be what we’ve all been waiting for. Last I heard the ETA is 4.17.

How are the Geometry tools progressing?

How about releasing it so people can use it and try it out, before the decade is over

Why is it still relevant, when there is an awesome plugin for in-editor mesh modeling available ?!