Geometry Editor 2.0 suggestion thread

Is this thread still alive? o.O

Check this out: TrenchBroom I think it’s the best BSP level editor out there.

I would have to agree :slight_smile:

You’re not even the first person to mention that to me today! Apparently the creator said they aren’t going to add UE support themselves but would be open to providing support to anybody who took it on (it’s open-source).

I haven’t used Trenchbroom, and I like my 2D views. But given that this issue doesn’t just affect Unreal I think it would actually be a really really great idea to have an engine-agnostic level design tool.

Well, when I used 3DS MAX way back in the days, and then switched to Blender, I was puzzled by the default setup of single 3D view. However, now I don’t get why 3DS MAX uses 4-views layout by default and why people want 2D views :stuck_out_tongue:

You can switch 3D view to one of the ortho projection with hotkeys (in Blender at least) and then immediately go back to 3D view again. Not only you have full screen to dedicated to modeling/mapping where it’s easier to see details, but it’s just easier to work that way.

I’ve been using DarkRadiant a lot and I wish it had capacity of Trenchbroom working in 3D view (although like Blender, DarkRadiant has single view where I can switch between projections using hotkeys).

I haven’t worked with UE4 a lot yet, but I assume it should be easily configurable to allow either 4-view layout or single 3D view with support for ortho projections. This way everyone is happy :slight_smile:

I think UE4 needs to have build in tool for CSG level design, with 3D view workflow like Trenchbroom/Blender. Having bunch of different apps is ok, but when support is dropped for one of those, you are out of luck (and in the open source world it happens all the time). Having it in UE4 would guarantee the tool always being there, fixed and updated.

4 views is useful when you’re matching model against front/up/side photos or schematics. It can be done in blender too (heck, you can have any number of views in blender), and sometimes it is easier to minimize/maximize viewports instead of switching views with hotkeys.

I found that in blender it helps to have additional view open on secondary monitor so you can glance there from time to time and see if you messed up anywhere on the model.

Either way, it would be nice to have a list of BSP alternatives stickied somewhere.
People keep mentioning trenchbroom, I also heard about Sledge editor, there were few more.
Would be nice to have a list assembled.

besides TrenchBroom TrenchBroom and Sledge editor
theres Quake army Knife also Worldcraft 1.6a and tread3D and Qoole Quake Terminus for quake 1 and 2 also the original BSP v.95e also Doom3 editor and Valves Hammer which is dl’ed via Steam and lastly UnrealEd UDK | EditorAndToolsHome there maybe more but they elude me atm hope putting urls to there sites was ok :slight_smile:

Edit :- Missed one GTk Radiant Radiant Level Design Tools

Not to forget DarkRadiant which is far better than Doom 3’s built-in DOOMEdit.

I’d like to see some of the functionality available in Sketchup like the Offset and the Follow Me tools, these combined with something similar to the Push/Pull would be awesome.

Also, everytime you copy an object anywhere you can write 10x and the program will perform the copying 10 times. If you write 10/ it will create 10 copies in the distance between the original and the copy.

this feature would be quite big leap in world creation and there is less fuzzing around with 3d apps.

I havent read every post. But will it be able to access the new tools through code or blueprints?

Im thinking about the flexibility to create e.g. floors at runtime with a flexible shape and without having to deal with texture tiling and scaling
Of course, the access through blueprints and code would be much more beneficial

This could be done with the current geometry editing tool, but I have no clue how to spawn and manipulate BSPs at runtime

Edit: I have been reading quite a couple of times that this tool is being devalued from everyone except level designers. I am not a level designer, but programmer. If this tool will be entirely or partly accessible through blueprints or code this will quickly lead to a fountain of new AAA toolsets in the marketplace. I already have a lot of scenarios in mind such as creating highly optimized and variable, detailed and lively cities with just one click using combinations of static meshes and BSP geometries converted to static meshes. Toolsets like these would in my opinion make UE4 the best engine out there without dispute - and these toolsets could easily be implemented (and sold at the marketplace) by UE4 engines. Currently, one needs to create a hell of a LOT static meshes to achieve what I described, but using BSPs you could use static meshes for detailed, fixzed size structures only and a combination of BSPs created static meshes and materials (maybe with tesselation) to do the rest.

According to the latest twitch stream, it looks like Epic Games focus for the next couple of year is Sequencer and Niagara(in that order) - Kinda sad considering there’s been no movement on Geometry Editor 2.0 for the longest time, it’s needed more than Niagara IMHO. One the bright side, at least soon we’ll be able to import an entire level in via FBX

Where is that info coming from?

If that’s true, is it safe to assume Epic won’t do much for mobile VR (Gear VR) ?

That’s your opinion. Even if that’s the case, it would be nice if community established list of wanted feature and epic games, say, put bounties for getting those features implemented. Or, I don’t know, funded someone to work on geometry 2.0, if they can’t or are unwilling to do that themselves.

There is Half-Life 2 / Quake map importer for UE4. You can use state-of-CSG-art level design tools such as Hammer and Trenchbroom to make your awesome CSG based maps and bring them into UE4.

That’s nice but not quite the level of integration people or looking for,which is what this thread is all about. I could use a DCC app to make all my levels but again not really the same as having tools built into the engine. This thread is about what features/tools people want in Geometry 2.0.

That’s not my opinion, Mike Fricker(Technical Director, Epic Games)pretty much said they are focusing on those 2 things for the next couple of years - did you even watch the steam?Now here’s my opinion: Geometry 2.0 stuff I imagine should be left to Epic Games, it’s not exactly easy to implement and probably would require deep changes to the core engine for it to work.

Not quite. You can’t build CSG levels in 3D app as you could do in Trenchbroom or Hammer. Sure, you can model levels, but in no way you can do rapid iteration with 3D apps.

Unless I am mistaken, Geo 2 was suppose to be CSG tools like in Hammer/etc. Since it’s not going to happen, why not to use UE4 plugin and Trenchbroom / Hammer ?

Epic games doesn’t seem to be making it. So, I don’t agree with this idea.

Who said anything about “easy”? It WOULD require skilled programmer (meaning anybody who’s into blueprints only or is new to C++ isn’t suitable), but that’s certainly doable.

Where did this idea come from? There’s already BSP in the engine. It would be possible to work on top of that.

Any news on this? It’s a shame that They silence killed the Geometry Editor 2.0 …

Atm no news about this.

I would like to use this mainly for terrains and other things as here

The card was just archived.