Geometry Editor 2.0 suggestion thread

AFAIK the new geometry editing goes beyond single-purpose plugin. Epic people mentioned on Twitch some time ago it could be a base for many new tools. Imagine easy way to operate on mesh programatically. And now I just speculate but such tech would be awesome for procedural design, user generated content and any game relying on transforming world/actors while playing.

Another thing, it’s always better to integrate such big feature into engine. It opens new ways to use it with various tools.

which one are you talking about?
I tried Mesh Tools and it was kinda meh, it lacks alot of features.

I asked Mike Fricker about it the other day, it’s still coming. “in the process of making Editable Mesh the foundation of all imported meshes in UE4”.

Don’t forget it makes you look super childish to be grumpily impatient about other people’s work when you’re not paying for it.

Yep, that one. What is it lacking?

Btw, if you want fully featured 3D modeling package, you aren’t going to get one in UE4. Better off using Blender or any other mature and specialized 3D modeling app.

Aint nobody got time for that lol

At least Blender is totally free, so you would have no complains about pricing.

Having multiple applications to switch between slows my creativity, rather do everything in engine if possible

Same for me for simple geometry editing and changing UV-s would be much faster and do not “dissolve” my mind that is caused when switching between UE4 and Blender. Even better is that you could upgrade and change models after import with Geo 2.0. I know that very complicated models still need to be done in external app. Geo 2.0 could make massive improvement for concept art iteration.

Exactly :slight_smile:

You can already do all that and more with Mesh Tool

But it’s a third party plugin and doesn’t have subdivision and isn’t developed by Epic

Hello guys,
I’m a programmer who has developed UModeler which is the unity extension for building a level and mesh within Unity. Please see the attached youtube video.
I’ve thought about developing UModeler for Unreal as well these days but I was told that Unreal is developing built-in modeling tool.
Do you think that developing 3rd party modeling is necessary like Unity?

I just wanted to pop in here to say I really hope we see some progress on the Mesh Editor tools. The current dev-geometry branch doesn’t look like there’s been much progress if any since a year ago.

One thing I want to point out is I don’t think people understand just how powerful these tools being exposed to scripting could be. You could script tools in blueprint which allow you to easily create uniquely complex objects for your project. One thing I’m looking forward to using this for is to make an advanced road tool. I’m sure the community would find clever and interesting ways to utilize this and release free tools which generate all kinds of meshes for different scenarios.

Bump bump bump

A new Geometry branch was finally merged intro Main a week ago :slight_smile:
I didn’t try yet, but changelist descriptions indicate they focus on extensibility, so plugin creators could extend this new system :slight_smile:

omg yes!!!

An early version of this is in 4.20! Enable it using the command “MeshEditor.Enable”. Since they didn’t announce it I’d take it it’s not ready for experimental, so don’t go using it in a project expecting nothing to go wrong.

There’s also a bunch of new blueprint nodes under “Editable Mesh”. If anyone can figure out how to use them that would be amazing. I can’t figure it out, if they even work yet.