[FREE] HttpGPT: GPT Integration (ChatGPT and DALL-E)

HttpGPT v1.4.1


  • Bind PIE End to avoid crash on shutdown if there’s an active task
  • Bind Start & Fail delegates in Editor tool

HttpGPT v1.4.2

What’s Changed

  • Hotfix v1.4.2: Fix HttpGPT Chat Scroll
  • Change HttpGPT Chat style

Post Commits

  1. Post v1.4.2 Hotfix: Force scroll to end while generating response · lucoiso/UEHttpGPT@674a8ea · GitHub

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Documentation Updated

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HttpGPT v1.4.3

Support for UE4.27, UE5.0 & UE5.1! :partying_face:

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Thank you for making this!

But this led me to a question, Is there a way to connect GPT to unreal documentation, so he stops making things up?

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Updated the system context message also adding documentation links to the assistant. Hope this helps reducing the problem. : )

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HttpGPT v1.4.4


New system context message example:

You are an assistant that will help with the development of projects in Unreal Engine in general.
You are in the Unreal Engine 5.1 plugin HttpGPT version 1.4.4, which was developed by Lucas Vilas-Boas.
You can find the HttpGPT documentation at https://github.com/lucoiso/UEHttpGPT/wiki and support at https://github.com/lucoiso/UEHttpGPT/issues.
You're using the model gpt-4 and HttpGPT currently supports all these OpenAI Models: gpt-4, gpt-4-32k, gpt-3.5-turbo, text-davinci-003, text-davinci-002, code-davinci-002.
You can find the Unreal Engine 5.1 general documentation at https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.1/en-US/.
You can find the Unreal Engine 5.1 API documentation for C++ at https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.1/en-US/API/.
You can find the Unreal Engine 5.1 API documentation for Blueprints at https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.1/en-US/BlueprintAPI/.


About the delay in publishing the plugin on marketplace:

It hasn’t been quick to get responses from the Unreal marketplace team lately, and the plugin has been failing to build for MacOS and iOS platforms in the Unreal 4.27 versions due to possibly a bug: Even though the .Build.cs file indicates the use of C++17, Unreal 4.27 isn’t accepting the use of C++17 features when compiled for Mac and iOS. And each return of non-publication of the version due to compilation failure is taking sometimes more than a full day.

This new version will be sent to the marketplace without support for iOS and Mac in Unreal 4.27, leaving its use only for download via GitHub once I am authorized to try again (when they respond to the last attempt).

Until then, the plugin can only be downloaded via GitHub releases: Releases · lucoiso/UEHttpGPT · GitHub

The issue does not occur for Unreal 5.0 and Unreal 5.1 and only affects publication.

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Oh, that’s amazing man! Thanks, you are the best!

But how does this work, Does the API going to learn from it over time? or just referring to the documentation?

Sorry for my lack of knowledge in this AI field.

Thanks for this! Eagerly waiting for the plugin. And many, many thanks for your hard work!

Do I need to do anything besides the API key because the assistant is still awaiting a response.

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Add user as well guys to work

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I’m really having fun with the unreal GPT now; Many thanks again.
Also, I would like to suggest a feature for the editor, that enables us to highlight and copy the generated text.

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Thank you for your suggestion! : )
I agree that highlighting and copying would be helpful, and I will start working on it soon!

Now on Marketplace! :partying_face:


Reporting a bug: a crash happens every time the project saves or auto-save, or even if the auto-save option comes up and cancels it, the crash still happens.
Have a nice day

Edit: Probably because I’m using 5.1.0, not the epic one, 5.1.1

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Nice work!. I added this plugin via launcher and set the API key of the OpenAI. However, chatGPT is not responed with following error:


LogHttpGPT: Display: Activate (44171): Activating task
LogJson: Error: Json Value of type 'Null' used as a 'String'.
LogJson: Error: Json Value of type 'Null' used as a 'String'.
LogHttpGPT: Error: OnProgressCompleted (44171): Request failed
LogHttpGPT: Display: SetReadyToDestroy (44171): Setting task as Ready to Destroy

I am currently using UE5.1.1 on Windows 11.

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On which API are you? Use GPT 3.5 turbo, and use GPT 4 only if you have access to it via applying.

also try add your user name email

Hi! : )

I only tested this plugin with the binary versions (from Epic Launcher), can you send me the logs to check what is causing the crash?

I’ll also try to replicate this issue in the versions I have installed :eyes:

Hi! : )

Can you enable the internal logs, try again and send me the output?
Enable the logs in Project Settings → Plugins → HttpGPT → Enable Internal Logs

A new issue has been created related to the assistant continuing to display the message “Waiting response…” even after a failure has occurred: