Yep, the LightDirection Parameter is very important for Highlight
Awesome! Thank you very much!
Is there a reason for not uploading YourHairMaterial.uasset ? sorry for being rude but its hard to copy from image.
Thank you.
I haven’t had time to clean up the material yet but i tossed it on some proxy to show the effect. (If you cant see it, open the link in a new tab.)
It’s a bit compressed but as you change perspective it eludes to the surface having strands of hair overlapping each other.
I reduced the amount of specular influence on the deeper offset layers and also darkened the hair color on deeper layers.
Thanks! I just recreated the mat!!! It is awesome!'n
This looks really nice! If you want to make it easier for people to recreate this material, select all your material nodes, copy, then paste here inside of code tags.
You can get code for the material setup this way, and people can paste the material setup as is.
So awesome! Thank you for this.
I haven’t had a to check it out yet, but most definitely will soon.
May I ask, so it’s on record, how does it look on mobile?
Nice job here
THX for sharing
Can anyone please share the mat?
Incredible work, thanks for sharing.
Also works really well with hair cards, but somehow it does not work ingame for me?
When I look at it in the editor it works just fine but as soon as I press play the gradients disappear.
Any Idea why? Am I doing something wrong or is this just how it is atm?
Managed to fix it but having very limited knowledge of blueprints I dont know how much of a hackjob I did.
I executet the “LightVectorControl” Blueprint on “Begin Play” which solved the problem but gave me a error that “SunLight” accessed none.
So I created another Variable in the “LightVectorControl” Bleprint that stores the SunLight Rotation in a rotator and gets stored everytime I click refresh, the value from that variable then gets fed into the “SetVectorParameterValue”.
This got rid of the error and everything is working now, maybe someone who knows what they are doing can give me a heads up if this was the correct way to go about it?
Or did I just mess up somewhere and it should actually work in playmode without any further tweaks?
Thanks, MiDaEm:)
I want to try this effect. I’ll to try posting my result!
Well that’s kinda cool…
Niice, tough just curious why you would use UE for that, rather than a non real-time renderer
Niice, tough just curious why you would use UE for that, rather than a non real-time renderer
Great question .
We found that being able to develop in real-time helps us and our clients reach target looks much quicker, and the rendering time is is drastically reduced. We can create all the assets and render on a single artists machine without the overhead cost of a renderfarm. If your familiar with the costs of a renderfarm or even using a service for it, it can be rather pricey. Their are other added benefits to using unreal, such as maintaining asset libraries for use on multiple projects, the ability to give our background characters AI so we don’t need to animate them individually or purchase crowd sim software, easy to use physics driven actors, and tons of other systems. In the long run if your client decides their IP is going to be a game, we can use the same assets for the game guaranteeing that the look is maintained across all of their IP. Typically a game studio would be responsible for it separately from the production studio and they almost never share assets, we save clients cost there. Of course game engines have their limitations so you wont see much use for live action visual , but for the web, TV, and especially children’s television, it hits all the marks.
Do you also now produce your Life in the Dreamhouse series inside of UE4 as well or was the VLOG your first experience with it?
Hey Midaem, first off this shader is amazing! Thank you for sharing.
I am having an error with my shader. Whenever I am moving the camera, the shader’s highlights are flickering on and off. And most times the highlight is off and only shows up when moving around the viewport. The underlying diffuse texture stays on its just the sheen is turning on and off, even when I dont touch anything. Do you have any idea what could cause this?
We do not produce the “Life in the Dreamhouse” series. The Vlog is our first project with the Barbie IP.
It’s Sucks!!! Not work !!! 2 hours down the drain !!!