[FREE] Hair Material

Constructive criticism can be highly effective on these forums…we all know failure and mistakes are a vital part of creating things worth while…but comments like these are just a waste of time for everyone involved…many of us are using this hair currently after MiDaEm was nice enough to share this…Your issues with getting it to work does not make it suck.

If you’re having problems getting it to work, just ask for help.

Hi, MiDaEm
I’m having a few problems to set this hair material that I couldn’t solve until now. Hope you can help me to correct those problems to finish my job!

Problem solved, guys!
Many thanks!!!

I just cant for the life of me got this working. Can you post the asset or something. I’m starting to feel kind of dumb lol.

This looks awesome :slight_smile: Haven’t got any need for it atm but will keep it in my backlog in case I do someday :slight_smile:

can anyone tell me why this isn’t a gradient? i feel like i followed everything correctly

Very nicely done. I would gladly show that version of Barbie to my daughters. They love the Dreamhouse episodes, some of them are really funny, but that one is entertaining and educational (through role-model inspiring lines).

Oh, and the hair looks good on there. Nice work. :slight_smile:

Long time without enter here, sorry m(_ _)m

Thanks for all your messages , I’m glad you like the material :smiley:

You can download now a sample package HERE

Awesome!! :smiley:

Thank you ill post me result in a few weeks working on a tool currently.

Very nice of you to share this. Looks like you put a lot of time into this. Nice work and thank you.


So I made a small modification. By changing the tangent calculation to an aniso map you can get rid of the “Root on top, tip at bottom” UV requirement and replace that with an aniso flow map (or comb map if you want). If you use a flow map that just points downward (i.e. emulating the UV requirement) the results are almost identical. I’d love if someone with a hair model at hand could test it out properly. The only modification is this:

I also took the liberty and added the missing hair color texture :

I’ve put it at the end of the hair color network to allow for tinting.

Ty for this!:D, I will try it this weekend :slight_smile:

Out of curiosity what does the aniso map look like? How does one generate it?

Creating a comb map sounds very useful. Just looking for the workflow.

Great work!

Hey dragonfly1 - Have a look at this paper - http://www.valvesoftware.com/publications/2010/siggraph2010_vlachos_waterflow.pdf
It’s the same thing, only the hair material uses it to properly apply the anisotropic specular highlight. As for creating them… it’s a bit of a bother really but I found this tool to be very useful: Flowmap Painter update (0.9.2) – teckArtist

Very nice! Thanks for the good read.

When I find some time I’m definitely gonna take a run at this.

Thanks again!

Thanks for the shader, it works pretty well so far. Have you considered using DitherTemporalAA to drive the alpha? I wanted softer edges on long hair but the masked transparency mode the material comes with doesn’t have soft enough edges. I had massive sorting issues with transparency, so I used DitherTemporalAA to drive the opacity mask.

Here’s my tests:

Default mask:

Transparent, looks best but massive sorting issues no matter what:


Yep, DitherTemporalAA is the way to go :slight_smile:

I would try to use Sub Surface Scatering to give it some more “transparency illusion” to the edges

Good Work :smiley:

Good idea, didn’t think about that. Are you going to be adding that to the shader in the future?