[FREE] grass meshes

It’s included in the package :wink:

why can’t i download this?

Hmm, normally it should work -> just click on the download button - it will open a gdrive site - click onto the download button. :slight_smile:

What exactly happens when you try to download it?

How do you import the grass assets? They are hidden when I click import?

nothing… but I used jdownloader to get it to work…how do I import these into a new level? I am clicking import, but that doesnt seem to work

You just have to unzip the file into your content folder of your project. -> after that you should see them in your content folder (but I would recommend you to wait till tomorrow when the new package will be released) :slight_smile:

May I ask you where you live, because probably it’s because of that -> normally you shouldnt have any problems to download something from gdrive (some of my friends just tested it)

I like your last screen. :slight_smile: It looks really nice!

Great work! Thank you so much for sharing.

I’m getting some very bad shadows when I set the meshes to ‘Static’. When set to ‘Movable’ they look great, but dynamic shadows are quite expensive.


You will have to increase the lightmap resolution of the ground to get better shadows :slight_smile: -> after that build the light

You’re right. My fault!
Thanks again. Looking forward to your update.

I released the new version yesterday: :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ve just downloaded your vegationpack many thanks for sharing this package. Is it also possible to add this in your Vault?
Or doesn’t it work like that? Lets says I wanted to use some grass do I need to load your map and migrate the grass?

You just have to download the package - unzip the files - move the needed folders into your project (so you dont need to do it with the maps) - open the engine - now you just have the grass in your project :slight_smile:
You can also add it to the starter content -> just go to your engine folder - version - Samples - Starter Content - add the stuff that you need

Great to see even more foliage packs on UE4. Cant wait to create a pinetree forest :smiley:

sorry guys i always have “no smoothnig group” error when i import any meshes

Make sure that you have assigned a smoothing group to your mesh + that you export them (in the export settings) :slight_smile:

Does this error occur when you import the grass meshes?

yhea i see but i supposed that i’d just to import fbx files :slight_smile:
so have i just to open fbx grass to 3dS and export with smoothing?

i try :slight_smile:

Are you talking about this grass pack or the new one? -> because in this one here there are no fbx files included :wink:
But yep, importing it into 3ds + export it should solve the problem.

Im playing around with the pack and its truly amazing work :smiley:
One question: Can I keyframe the sliders to create something like a storm with the windstrenght settings?
If so, how can I do that?

Yes, you can access the variable in a blueprint + combine it with some float values or a timeline :slight_smile: e.g here is a basic setup:
Btw, do you use the new or the old package -> when you use the new, please post into this thread: