[FREE] grass meshes

New package available!!
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Hi guys,

I got many requests if I could share a grass mesh + texture + material and now after I got the “Ok” from the creator of the grass I have uploaded it to gdrive so that you can use it in your own projects. The package includes:

  • material
  • 3 meshes in the UE4
  • texture
  • two .blend files so that you can modify it



  • material
  • mesh in the UE4
  • texture
  • .blend file so that you can modify it


  • material
  • mesh in the UE4
  • textures (bark + leaf)
  • .blend file so that you can modify it

[CENTER]The package also contains a master material in which you have to do the changes when you want to edit some material stuff


You can use those models in commercial and non-commercial projects!! You just have to give credit to the author (you find more information in the .txt file that is in the package :))



Nice one, . Thanks for sharing!

Thanks, this looks very useful.
Been struggling a bit with vegetation.

Thanks for sharing this :wink:

Thanks M8! :slight_smile:

Fantastic! I will have to find a way to use this in my game!

Thx! Awesome! =D

Very cool, thanks!

Realy nice, thank you :slight_smile:

Thank you, I’ll have an inspection :smiley:

Thank you very Very much for this!

Really cool!
Thanks for sharing this, ! :smiley:

Great, This is going to be a great help for my Design for a Field… :smiley: Thanks!

Thanks a lot for your gift !

Thank you!

Nice to hear that you guys like it :slight_smile:

Many thanks - a silly question how do I import into my project (I did try copying into content but that did not work). I am using UE 4.5

Normally you just have to select everything (just the uasset files) -> open your project folder - > content -> add it to the content folder :slight_smile:

Human error! that works!

Good grass is one of those things that is easily overlooked, but when it’s bad it’s very noticeable. Needless to say, yours is very natural looking. Good work!