[FREE] Elementus Inventory plugin: Data-Driven Inventory System


A Unreal Engine plugin that provides a Data-Driven Inventory & Items system based on FPrimaryAssetIds and the Asset Manager.



Tab Invoker

Custom Panel

Item Creator

Some Functions


Screenshots from Project Elementus

Support me: Sponsor @lucoiso on GitHub Sponsors :heart:


Created a simple example project! : )

I’ll start creating a documentation soon to prepare for launch the plugin on Unreal Marketplace.



Made a lot of adjustments and improved the usage of this plugin in a working branch of Project Elementus

:white_check_mark: And also added support for Unreal Engine 5.1 Preview! : )

Branch: lucoiso/UEElementusInventory (github.com)

If you want to check an advanced example of this plugin, take a look at Project Elementus.

The integration is a working in progress, but there’s already a lot of features implemented like:

  • Weapons
  • Equipment Effects (Gameplay Ability System)
  • Equipments Abilities (Gameplay Ability System)
  • Enhanced Input (Used with abilities)
  • Widgets creation and interaction
  • Consumables
  • Replications!

Project Elementus working branch: feature/EQUIP-26 (github.com)

From: [FREE] Project Elementus - Custom Third-Person Project w/ Extra Features - #52 by lucoiso


Inventory System

The Inventory System is still a work in progress but there’s some features already implemented, and a lot of adjustments were made in the entire project.

And also, the working branch is working well with Unreal Engine 5.1 Preview 1! : )

:white_check_mark: Working with the current UE5.1 Preview ver.

Branch: lucoiso/UEProject_Elementus (github.com)


Project Elementus is already using this plugin

I made this plugin as part of my personal project, Project Elementus, a template that can be used to start projects that will use some new features that come with Unreal Engine 5 as well as powerful existing features like the GAS and others.

And now, this project is already using this plugin in the main branch. There are already some examples like potions w/ consumption and effects application using Gameplay Effects (from GAS - Gameplay Ability System) and also has one equipment example by adding a pistol from Lyra and adding/removing abilities and effects when equip or unequip the equipment.

If you want to try, check it out here: lucoiso/UEProject_Elementus


  1. Plugin Repository: lucoiso/UEElementusInventory
  2. Plugin Simple Example Project: lucoiso/UEElementusInventory_Example
  3. Project Elementus: lucoiso/UEProject_Elementus


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Some updates

Plugin Repository: UEElementusInventory (github.com)

Plugin Information

Added some information to the .uplugin to allow publishing on Unreal Marketplace! (Currently waiting for approval) : )


Started creating a proper documentation and there’s already some informations here: Elementus Inventory Wiki (github.com)

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Elementus Inventory v1.1.2

Release: Elementus Inventory v1.1.2 (github.com)
Marketplace: Waiting for approval

Pull request: v1.1.2 by @lucoiso in v1.1.2 by lucoiso · Pull Request #10 · lucoiso/UEElementusInventory · GitHub

What’s Changed

  • Adjust folders
  • Adjust log default verbosity

Full Changelog: Comparing v1.1.1...v1.1.2 · lucoiso/UEElementusInventory · GitHub

Additional information

:white_check_mark: Working with both UE5.0 and UE5.1

Changed includes:

  1. ElementusInventoryPackage.h → Actors/ElementusInventoryPackage.h
  2. ElementusInventoryComponent.h → Components/ElementusInventoryComponent.h
  3. ElementusInventoryFunctions.h → Management/ElementusInventoryFunctions.h
  4. ElementusInventoryData.h → Management/ElementusInventoryData.h

If you’re already using UE5.1, don’t have Visual Studio installed (to compile the plugin code) and don’t want to wait for the Marketplace approval:

Packaged plugin for UE5.1 (Win64): ElementusInventory_UE51_PACKAGED.zip (github.com)

You can extract this .zip inside your project’s Plugins folder.


Unreal Marketplace

Plugin published on Unreal Marketplace! :partying_face:

Link: Elementus Inventory in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace (unrealengine.com)

Elementus Inventory v1.1.3

What’s Changed

  • Rename SearchItems function to SearchElementusItems
  • Adjust functions comments
  • Move some editor functions to BP function library and removed EditorInternalFunctions header
  • Adapt plugin’s code to last changes
  • Add a way to load item datas via FPrimaryAssetId and/or FPrimaryElementusItemId
  • Optimize includes

This is really cool! Thank you for sharing!


UEElementusInventory_Example 1.1.3

I have not been able to test it with ue5.1 latest version, I have been trying for days

Failed to load map!
…/…/…/…/…/…/Users/papap/Downloads/UEElementusInventory_Example-main/UEElementusInventory_Example-main/Content/MP_Main.umap appears to be an asset file.

Hello! : )

Could you try again through the releases page or cloning the repository?

If you were trying to download via github’s “Download Zip” option, it doesn’t work well with Unreal Engine projects due to Git LFS.

If you were trying to clone the project, the Git LFS quota was over the limit, I just bought 1 more data pack.

I was able to clone your larger project. My Jaw hit the floor when I saw how fast it is running!


This looks great, I’d love to chat more about usage and such. Is there a Discord per chance, something with easier access than this forum?

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Bug with set Item Info
Download from GitHub


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At the moment only these links: More Information · lucoiso/UEElementusInventory Wiki (github.com) :eyes:

Thanks for the report! : )

Answered in the Github Issue and made a commit in a new hotfix branch: Set Elementus Info Type dont work (dont split right way) (github.com)

The documentation improvement is in progress!


Despite the delay in starting this improvement, I also intend to create some tutorials on creating interactive widgets to handle inventory.

I was busy with some other work, but I plan to focus on this plugin for a while! : )



Planning for upcoming updates

For this plugin, I’m currently focusing in 2 items (giving priority to the documentation):

  1. Elementus Inventory
    1.1. Add an option to enable empty slots in the inventory container
    1.2. I’m finally working on the Documentation! xD

And I also made a post on Project Elementus, the project where this plugin was born, about future updates! Link to the post

Planning for upcoming updates

To facilitate the use of this project’s content in other projects already under development, I will check the possibility of transforming this project into a plugin.

I have created a new issue and will resume the work on this project with this idea. : )

Issue: Issue #46 · lucoiso/UEProject_Elementus (github.com)
Project Board: Project Elementus - Project Board (github.com)

I’m also currently focusing in some updates to the plugins:

  1. Modular Features Extra Actions
    1.1. Check the viability and implement a new editor tools to view and manage the existing Modular Features
    1.2. Return to the development of the auto-bind abilities option
  2. Elementus Inventory
    2.1. Add an option to enable empty slots in the inventory container
    2.2. I’m finally working on the Documentation! xD

After these changes, I’ll finally start creating the documentation using the new Plugin “body”, explaining how to use the content of Project Elementus in a new project or an existing one.

And of course, during the development, I will make some optimizations and fixes that are found along the way, such as:

  2. Adjust and clear the logs (Add new categories to improve the filtering)
  3. Adjust and clear the checks/ensures
  4. Add more developer settings
  5. Add custom async loading screens (currently using the Test Widget from Unreal’s API)
  6. Fix EOS Function: Cancel Find Sessions (currently crashing)
  7. […]

In the meantime, maybe implement new features too! : )


Already working on add support for UE4.27! :eyes:

And with a new settings page

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