[FREE] Project Elementus - Custom Third-Person Project w/ Extra Features

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Unreal Engine Plugin: Elementus Modules

An Unreal Engine plugin containing all modules and dependencies that were created for Project Elementus.


Project Elementus was intended to be a third person template that can be used to start projects that will use some new features that come with Unreal Engine 5 as well as powerful existing features like the Gameplay Ability System and others. And now, all its contents were turned into this plugin containing modules accordingly to it’s objective! : )

As a plugin, it is easier to organize, update and insert the content into already existing projects, facilitating maintenance and usability.


  • Gameplay Ability System;
  • Modular Game Features plugins;
  • Epic Online Services;
  • Enhanced Input;
  • Networking/Replication/Multiplayer;
  • Inventory System;
  • Custom plugins;
  • Others.


  • Elementus Ability System: Adds custom classes, structures and functions related to Gameplay Ability System.
  • Elementus Actors: Adds custom actors to be used in other projects.
  • Elementus Common: Contains code that will be shared between the modules.
  • Elementus Core: Contains code related to the core of the game framework such as character, controllers, etc.
  • Elementus Epic Online Services: This module is focused in the integration of the Epic Online Services and contains some functions and a Game Instance class that provides EOS access directly via Unreal’s APIs.
  • Elementus Inventory System: Contains custom classes and interfaces to enable the use of an inventory system with multiplayer compatibility.


Included Plugins

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