[FREE] Elementus Inventory plugin: Data-Driven Inventory System

Elementus Inventory v1.1.5



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Elementus Inventory v1.1.6


Elementus Item Data

  • Metadata: Allows to implement custom properties in this item data. (TMap<FGameplayTag, FName>)
  • Relations: Map containing a tag as key and an ID container as value to add relations to other items such as crafting requirements, etc. (TMap<FGameplayTag, FPrimaryElementusItemIdContainer>)

Elementus Item Info

  • Level: New int32 to store current item level.

New Functions:

  • Get Item Metadatas: Load an Item Data using the given Elementus Item Info and return the Custom Metadatas property.
  • Get Item Relations: Load an Item Data using the given Elementus Item Info and return the Item Relations property.


  • Adjust some editor callbacks to use the _Lambda version.


  • Put the new properties in Elementus Item Data due to replications not supporting Maps containers & to avoid increase the size of the Elementus Item Info structure. Thanks to Harry Kent for this idea! : )
  • UE4.27 version: Currently only downloading via GitHub
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Elementus Inventory v1.1.7


  • Fix: Trade with multiple items ignoring inventory weight (#36)
  • Add new component functions: GetMaxWeight & GetMaxNumItems
  • New helper function: FilterTradeableItems

Post Commits

  1. Remove unnecessary notify
  2. Update filter plugin

Documentation updated: Wiki (github.com)


Would love to check this out, but on github its complaining the LFS quota is exceeded. I haven’t been able to get any examples to better understand how this works (same for the elementus project as a whole). Any alternatives?

EDIT: I am blind. Links for those who are blind like myself.


Elementus Inventory v1.1.9


  1. Slate Adjustments: Editor Tool
  2. Implemented Inventory Sorting

Oops, where`s the v1.1.8? xD

:warning: Note: I can only update the product on the marketplace to the latest 3 Engine versions, so UE4.27 is only being updated on GitHub!

Hello, I am unable to access the example project in 5.3, getting an error to rebuild the 2 plugins (which they fail). To fix this, I deleted the plugin contents from the folder and from the .uproject file and just loaded the plugin from marketplace

Also how would I start modifying this system to fit my project? For example change item types, adding effects and context depending info, adding data structures into items that hold lots of values? I’m not sure how to handle that with just Gameplay Tags.

Finally, whenever I double click on an item in the inventory management window, it crashes unreal, it should instead redirect me to the asset in the content drawer

Additionally I would like to know what’s the best way to handle with equipment (equipment of different types). Do I consider every slot a different inventory or every item that is part of my equipment and inventory are one big inventory?

I get an error like “Asset Manager could not find any folder. Please check your Asset Manager settings.”